Jacobs Clean Energy s.r.o.

Services in the field of protection and creation of the environment
Contact usAbout us

Environmental protection and creation

Jacobs Clean Energy s.r.o. specializes in services and protection of the environment in all fields – industry, energy, transport, trade, logistics, mining, waste management and others.

We have been gaining experience since 1990

The expertise and long experience, acquired since 1990, allow us to provide specific solutions to specific problems in the area, the possibility of finding alternatives and flexibility for individual projects.

We have a team of experienced specialists

We have many employees with various specializations to cover different areas of the environment. We own required professional certification and authorization for our services.

The EU and other countries of the world

The company Jacobs has local presence in most of countries so we are able to meet the requirements local expertise of the country and a local company background.

Our services

We provide these services for our clients:

    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
    • Impact assessment of Land-use planning documentation and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
    • Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)
    • Noise studies, noise protection, authorized noise and vibration measurement
    • Dispersion studies, Expert opinion
    • Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
    • Impact Assessment on Natura 2000 sites
    • Biological Assessment, Biological Surveys
    • Dendrological Surveys, Greenery Inventory
    • Landscape character, Landscape visualizations
    • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)
    • Applied geology and hydrogeology, old ecological burdens, risk analysis, remediation, environmental damage
    • Nuclear Energy (consultation, know-how, analyses, safety assessment, counselling)

    Current projects

    What we are working on now

    Jacobs Clean Energy s.r.o. vision is to provide services to our customers always in time, reliable and in highest quality. We want to contribute to economic growth and sustainable development in all sectors by our activities, with the careful evaluation and taking into account the principles of nature protection and the environment.

      • EIA documentation for PK Park Teplice,
      • EIA notice for large industrial zones a logistic centres (Brno, Praha, Jihlava, …)
      • EIA notification for large residential and retail centers
      • Brno city ring – Tomkovo náměstí, Rokytova – noise studies, noise measurements, noise models
      • Noise and dispersion studies for roads, highways and biogas stations
      • Expert reviews in accordance with the requirement of the Air Protection Act

      … and many other projects.


        Selection of projects we have worked on

        We are present on the market since 1990. We are providing comprehensive services in the environmental field and we always try to adapt to current market requirements. Our references can be counted in tens or hundreds in all areas where we work.

        Nová Zbrojovka s.r.o.

        Projekt: Nová Zbrojovka – jižní zóna

        Typ projektu: komerční výstavba

        Lokalita: Brno, Jihomoravský kraj

        Typ práce: oznámení EIA, hluková a rozptylová studie

        Rok: 2021

        ČEZ a.s.

        Projekt: Nový jaderný zdroj v lokalitě Dukovany

        Typ projektu: energetika

        Lokalita: Dukovany, kraj Vysočina

        Typ práce: dokumentace EIA

        Rok: 2016

        ŘSD ČR

        Projekt: Dálnice D3, stavba 0311, Třebonín – Kaplice – nádraží

        Typ projektu: dopravní stavby

        Lokalita: Jihočeský kraj

        Typ práce: dokumentace EIA

        Rok: 2017