Integrated prevention and polution control (IPPC)
Act No. 76/2002 Coll., on Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control, on the Pollutant Emission Register and on Amendments to Certain Acts, came into force on the January 1st 2003.
Purpose of this Act is to achieve high level of environmental protection, secure integrated performance of State administration when granting a licence to a facility operator and to run Integrated Pollutant Emission Register.
Operators of facilities listed under the IPPC Act are obliged to ask the competent administrative authority to issue or make changes in the Integrated Permit (IP).
The Permit application has to include complete information about the facility, processes involved, information about material usage and energy consumption as well as description and quantification of impact on the environment.
Furthermore, it has to also include information about the area surrounding the facility, including potential conflicts, description of measurements for surveillance and minimization of negative impact of operations on the environment and a proposal for required operating conditions.
The technology/equipment used must be compared against Best Available Technology (BAT) and ideally meet BAT parameters.
Competent administrative authority can request an Expert opinion study on the IP application (elaborated by Qualified person), based on which the IP is or is not issued.
Integrated permit will replace component decisions and therefore includes operational conditions and limits, which the technology/equipment has to meet.
Our Services
- Integrated Permit (IP) application services
- Changes in Integrated Permit (IP) application
- Studies, technical supporting documents, attachments to Integrated Permit application (noise and dispersion studies, EIA documents, biological surveys, expert opinion studies, etc.)
- Equipment/ technology comparison against Best Available Technology (BAT)
- Technical and consultation guidance during negotiations with competent administrative authority
- Qualified person services in accordance with § 6 Act No. 76/2002 Coll.
Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o. is listed as a Qualified Person for Integrated Permit application assessment. Our company has had experience with IPPC since the introduction of legislative obligation in 2003.
Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o., as a direct successor of companies Amec Foster Wheeler s. r. o. and previous INVESTprojekt s. r. o. provides consultation services in the area of environmental protection since 1990.
Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.
We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.
If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.